

Remove a file only if it already exists


item (str) – file to be removed


>>> RemoveIfThere('/path/to/file.txt')
refstis.functions.apply_dark_correction(filename, expstart)[source]

Perform temperature scaling to input dark file

All science extensions in the input filename will be scaled to the reference temperatue of 18.0 c.

  • filename (str) – full path to input FITS file

  • expstart (str) – start time in MJD of the dataset

refstis.functions.bd_calstis(joinedfile, thebiasfile=None)[source]

Run CalSTIS on the joined file

Header keywords will be set for ocrreject to work correctly and not flag regions outside the original aperture: APERTURE –> 50CCD APER_FOV –> ‘50x50’ DARKCORR –> ‘OMIT’ FLATCORR –> ‘OMIT’

  • joinedfile (str) – join of multiple input darks

  • thebiasfile (str, bool) – the biasfile to be subtracted by basic2d


Check if cosmic-ray rejection has been performed on input file

if cosmic-ray rejection has already been done on the input bias image, skip all calstis-related calibration steps

refstis.functions.bias_subtract_data(filename, biasfile)[source]

Perform bias subtraction on input dataset

basic2d from calstis will be run on the input dataset with the steps DQICORR, BLEVCORR, and BIASCORR set to perform.

  • filename (str) – full path to input FITS file

  • biasfile (str) – full path to the bias FITS file to be subtracted


filename – full_path to the bias subtracted file

Return type



Count the total number of imsets in a file list.

The total number of imsets is counted by dividing the total number of extensions (NEXTEND) by 3 (SCI, ERR, DQ).


file_list (list) – list of all files to be counted


total – number of imsets

Return type


refstis.functions.divide_anneal_month(data_begin, data_end, database_path, N_period)[source]

This function divides an anneal month into anneal weeks and returns tuples of the start and end dates of the anneal weeks

refstis.functions.figure_days_in_period(N_periods, N_days, add_remainder=False)[source]

Spreads out the extra days among the periods.


Extra days will be added to the periods beginning with the first, until there are no more, so the lengths may not be perfectly even but will not differ by more than a day.

  • N_periods (int) – total number of periods to be split into

  • N_days (float, int) – total number of days to be divided


periods – list of days/period: e.g. [8,8,8,7]

Return type



>>> figure_days_in_period(4, 28)
[7, 7, 7, 7]
>>> figure_days_in_period(4, 29)
[8, 7, 7, 7]
>>> figure_days_in_period(3, 21)
[7, 7, 7]
refstis.functions.figure_number_of_periods(number_of_days, mode)[source]

Determines the number of periods (‘weeks’) that the anneal ‘month’ should be split into.

Takes the number of days in the period and the mode (‘WK’ or ‘BIWK’) and returns the total number of periods.

  • number_of_days (int) – total number of days in the ‘month’

  • mode (str) – wk or biwk


number_of_periods – the total number of periods to split the month into

Return type


refstis.functions.get_anneal_month_dates(data_begin, data_end, database_path)[source]

This function uses the anneal database to get the dates of the anneal

This is written under the assumption that data_begin and data_end fall in the same anneal period

data_begin and data_end are the start and end dates of the data and should be in mjd

refstis.functions.get_keyword(file_list, keyword, ext=0)[source]

return the value from a header keyword over a list of files

if the value is not consistent accross the input files, an assertion error will be raised


Make a full path to file safe for use in FITS headers.

For full paths that are less than 67 characters, the filename is simply returned. When the full path is equal to or greater than 67, then the path is inserted into the environment as ‘refdir’ and the filename is returned as ‘refdir$filename’. This will prevent the filename from being split accross multiple FITS keywords, and is a convention understood by many tasks/pipelines.


filename (str) – Full path + name to the file.


filename – Safe filename that can fit in a single FITS keyword.

Return type



>>> make_path_safe('/short/path/reference_file.fits')
>>> make_path_safe('/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/reference_file.fits')
refstis.functions.make_residual(mean_bias, kern=(3, 15))[source]

Create residual image

Median filter the median with a 15 x 3 box and subtract from the mean to produce the residual image.

refstis.functions.msjoin(imset_list, out_name='joined_out.fits')[source]

Replicate msjoin functionality in pure python


Normalize the input filename by exptim/gain and flush hdu

refstis.functions.refaver(reffiles, combined_name)[source]

Average two reference files together using itools msarith.

  • reffiles (list) – List of reference files to be averaged together

  • combined_name (str) – Output name of the combined file

refstis.functions.send_email(subject=None, message=None, from_addr=None, to_addr=None)[source]

Send am email via SMTP server. This will not prompt for login if you are already on the internal network.

refstis.functions.update_header_from_input(filename, input_list)[source]

Updates header of output file using keywords from the input data

If a header keyword is not consistent in this step, an error will be raised