Source code for refstis.functions

from import fits as pyfits
from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats
import numpy as np
import os
import shutil
from scipy.signal import medfilt
from scipy.ndimage.filters import median_filter
from astropy.time import Time
import math
import sqlite3
import datetime

from stistools.calstis import calstis
from stistools.ocrreject import ocrreject
from stistools.basic2d import basic2d

[docs]def send_email(subject=None, message=None, from_addr=None, to_addr=None): ''' Send am email via SMTP server. This will not prompt for login if you are already on the internal network. ''' import os import getpass import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart users_email=getpass.getuser()+'' if not subject: subject='Message from %s'%(__file__) if not message: message='You forgot to put a message into me' if not from_addr: from_addr=users_email if not to_addr: to_addr=users_email svr_addr='' msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['Subject']=subject msg['From']=from_addr msg['To']=to_addr msg.attach(MIMEText(message)) s = smtplib.SMTP(svr_addr) s.sendmail(from_addr, to_addr, msg.as_string()) s.quit() print('\nEmail sent to %s \n' %(from_addr))
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def mjd_to_greg(mjd): #This comes from JD = mjd + 2400000.5 JD = int(JD) L= JD+68569 N= 4*L/146097 L= L-(146097*N+3)/4 I= 4000*(L+1)/1461001 L= L-1461*I/4+31 J= 80*L/2447 K= L-2447*J/80 L= J/11 J= J+2-12*L I= 100*(N-49)+I+L Year = I Month = J Day = K month_to_day = {'0': 0,'1':31, '2':59, '3':90, '4':120, '5':151, '6':181, '7':212, '8':243, '9':273, '10':304, '11':334, '12':365} tot_day = (month_to_day[str(int(Month)-1)] + Day) day_in_year = 365.0 if (Month >= 2) & (Year%4 == 0): #for leap year tot_day = tot_day + 1.0 day_in_year = 365.0 + 1.0 frac_day = tot_day / day_in_year fractional_year = Year + frac_day return (Year, Month, Day, fractional_year) #------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def update_header_from_input(filename, input_list): """ Updates header of output file using keywords from the input data If a header keyword is not consistent in this step, an error will be raised """ targname = get_keyword(input_list, 'TARGNAME', 0) if targname == 'BIAS': filetype = 'CCD BIAS IMAGE' elif targname == 'DARK': filetype = 'DARK IMAGE' else: raise ValueError('targname %s not understood' % str(targname)) gain = get_keyword(input_list, 'CCDGAIN', 0) if gain == 1: frequency = 'Weekly' N_period = 4 elif gain == 4: frequency = 'Bi-Weekly' N_period = 2 else: raise ValueError( 'Frequency %s not understood' % str(frequency)) nimsets = count_imsets(input_list) proposals = list(set([pyfits.getval(item, 'PROPOSID') for item in input_list])) prop_titles = list(set([pyfits.getval(item, 'PROPTTL1') for item in input_list])) data_start_pedigree, data_end_pedigree, data_start_mjd, data_end_mjd = get_start_and_endtimes(input_list) #anneal_weeks = divide_anneal_month(data_start_mjd, data_end_mjd, '/grp/hst/stis/calibration/anneals/', N_period) #useafter = 'value' #for begin, end in anneal_weeks: # if (begin < data_start_mjd) and (end > data_end_mjd): # begin_time = Time(begin, format = 'mjd', scale = 'utc').iso #anneal week start # useafter = datetime.datetime.strptime(begin_time.split('.')[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').strftime('%b %d %Y %X') month, day, time, year = Time(data_start_mjd, format='mjd').datetime.ctime().split()[1:] useafter = '{:s} {:02d} {:s} {:s}'.format(month, int(day), year, time) hdu_out = pyfits.HDUList(pyfits.PrimaryHDU()) hdu_out[0].header['FILENAME'] = os.path.split(filename)[1] hdu_out[0].header['NEXTEND'] = 3 hdu_out[0].header['TELESCOP'] = 'HST' hdu_out[0].header['INSTRUME'] = 'STIS' hdu_out[0].header['DETECTOR'] = ('CCD', 'detector in use: CCD') if targname == 'BIAS': hdu_out[0].header['CCDAMP'] = get_keyword(input_list, 'CCDAMP', 0) hdu_out[0].header['CCDGAIN'] = gain hdu_out[0].header['CCDOFFST'] = get_keyword(input_list, 'CCDOFFST', 0) elif targname == 'DARK': hdu_out[0].header['CCDAMP'] = 'ANY' hdu_out[0].header['CCDGAIN'] = -1 hdu_out[0].header['CCDOFFST'] = -1 else: raise ValueError('{} for targname not understood'.format(targname)) hdu_out[0].header['OPT_ELEM'] = 'ANY' hdu_out[0].header['APERTURE'] = 'ANY' hdu_out[0].header['OBSTYPE'] = 'ANY' hdu_out[0].header['BINAXIS1'] = get_keyword(input_list, 'BINAXIS1', 0) hdu_out[0].header['BINAXIS2'] = get_keyword(input_list, 'BINAXIS2', 0) hdu_out[0].header['FILETYPE'] = filetype hdu_out[0].header['PEDIGREE'] = 'INFLIGHT %s %s' % (data_start_pedigree, data_end_pedigree) hdu_out[0].header['USEAFTER'] = useafter hdu_out[0].header['DESCRIP'] = "%s gain=%d %s for STIS CCD data taken after %s" % (frequency, gain, targname.lower(), useafter[:11]) while len(hdu_out[0].header['DESCRIP']) < 67: hdu_out[0].header['DESCRIP'] = hdu_out[0].header['DESCRIP'] + '-' if len(hdu_out[0].header['DESCRIP']) > 67: raise ValueError('DESCRIP is too long! {}'.format(hdu_out[0].header['DESCRIP'])) hdu_out[0].header.add_comment('Reference file created by %s' % __name__ ) hdu_out[0].header.add_history('Super{} image, combination of {} input {} frames taken in'.format(targname.lower(), nimsets, targname.lower())) hdu_out[0].header.add_history('CCDGAIN={}, BINAXIS1={}, BINAXIS2={} mode.'.format(hdu_out[0].header['CCDGAIN'], hdu_out[0].header['BINAXIS1'], hdu_out[0].header['BINAXIS2'])) hdu_out[0].header.add_history('All input frames were from Proposal(s) {}:'.format('/'.join(map(str, proposals)))) for item in prop_titles: hdu_out[0].header.add_history(item) hdu_out[0].header.add_history('The following input files were used:') for item in input_list: hdu_out[0].header.add_history(os.path.split(item)[1]) hdu_out[0].header.add_history('') if targname == 'BIAS': hdu_out[0].header.add_history('The data were split into sub-lists of less than 30 ') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('imsets each. The script "refbias" was run on the') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('individual sub-lists and then averaged using the script') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('"refaver". The "refbias" procedure works as follows.') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('After joining the files together into a multi-imset') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('file, overscan subtraction is performed for every') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('individual bias frame. The bias frames in the multi-') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('imset file are then combined using ocrreject, which') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('performs a three-step iterative cosmic-ray rejection') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('with rejection thresholds of 5, 4, and 3 sigma,') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('respectively.') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('After cosmic ray rejection, the combined bias was') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('divided by the number of frames combined (ocrreject') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('adds images instead of averaging them), using the ') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('stsdas.toolbox.imgtools.mstools.msarith routine.') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('Subsequently, hot pixels (and columns) were identified ') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('as follows. A median-filtered version of the averaged ') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('bias is created (kernel = 15 x 3 pixels) and') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('subtracted from the averaged bias, leaving a') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('"residual" image containing hot pixels and columns.') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('The pixels hotter than 5 sigma of the effective RMS') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('noise in the residual bias image are then identified,') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('and flagged as such in the Data Quality (DQ)') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('extension of the output reference bias file.') elif targname == 'DARK': hdu_out[0].header['REF_TEMP'] = 18 hdu_out[0].header['DRK_VS_T'] = 0.07 hdu_out[0].header.add_history('This superdark image is a combination of 2 images.') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('The first is a "baseline dark" image which is a ') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('(typically) monthly average of (cosmic-ray-rejected)') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('dark files. The second image is made locally within the') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('"weekdark" script.') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('These gain {} darks are first'.format(hdu_out[0].header['CCDGAIN'])) hdu_out[0].header.add_history('corrected for temperature (C) using the factor') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('1.0 / (1.0 + DRK_V_TMP * (OCCDHTAV - S2_REF_TEMP)) and then ') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('combined together (cosmic rays are rejected in the') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('combination) using calstis,') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('and normalized to a dark time of 1 second. After that,') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('hot pixels in that normalized dark are updated into the ') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('baseline dark. These hot pixels have a value higher than ') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('(baseline dark current + 5 sigma of the new dark).') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('The pixels hotter than 0.1 electron/sec in this dark') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('are being assigned a DQ value of 16.') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('Previously hot pixels that have fully annealed out ') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('between the observing dates of the baseline and the') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('new dark are being assigned a value equal to that in') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('a median-filtered (kernel = 5x5 pixels) version of') hdu_out[0].header.add_history('the baseline dark.') with as ref: hdu_out.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=ref[1].data)) hdu_out[1].header['EXTNAME'] = 'SCI' hdu_out[1].header['EXTVER'] = 1 hdu_out[1].header['PCOUNT'] = 0 hdu_out[1].header['GROUNT'] = 1 hdu_out.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=ref[2].data)) hdu_out[2].header['EXTNAME'] = 'ERR' hdu_out[2].header['EXTVER'] = 1 hdu_out[2].header['PCOUNT'] = 0 hdu_out[2].header['GROUNT'] = 1 hdu_out.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=ref[3].data)) hdu_out[3].header['EXTNAME'] = 'DQ' hdu_out[3].header['EXTVER'] = 1 hdu_out[3].header['PCOUNT'] = 0 hdu_out[3].header['GROUNT'] = 1 hdu_out.writeto(filename, overwrite=True, output_verify='exception')
#------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_start_and_endtimes(input_list): times = [] for ifile in input_list: times.append(pyfits.getval(ifile, 'texpstrt', 0)) times.append(pyfits.getval(ifile, 'texpend', 0)) times.sort() start_mjd = times[0] end_mjd = times[-1] times = Time(times, format = 'mjd', scale = 'utc', out_subfmt = 'date').iso start_list = times[0].split('-') end_list = times[-1].split('-') #return strings in format mm/dd/yyyy start_str = '%s/%s/%s' %( start_list[2], start_list[1], start_list[0]) end_str = '%s/%s/%s' %(end_list[2], end_list[1], end_list[0]) return start_str, end_str, start_mjd, end_mjd #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def make_resicols_image(residual_image, yfrac=1): print("Making residual column image") ystart = 0 yend = min(1024, int(np.floor(yfrac * residual_image.shape[0] + .5))) residual_columns = np.mean(residual_image[ystart:yend], axis=0) print(ystart, '-->', yend) residual_columns_image = residual_columns * np.ones(residual_image.shape[1])[:, np.newaxis] return residual_columns_image #------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def make_residual(mean_bias, kern=(3, 15)): """Create residual image Median filter the median with a 15 x 3 box and subtract from the mean to produce the residual image. """ mean_hdu = mean_image = mean_hdu[('sci', 1)].data median_image = median_filter(mean_image, kern) medi_mean = sigma_clipped_stats(median_image, sigma=3, maxiters=40)[0] mean_mean = sigma_clipped_stats(mean_image, sigma=3, maxiters=40)[0] diffmean = mean_mean - medi_mean median_image += diffmean residual_image = mean_image - median_image return residual_image, median_image
[docs]def normalize_crj(filename): """ Normalize the input filename by exptim/gain and flush hdu """ with, mode='update') as hdu: exptime = hdu[0].header['TEXPTIME'] gain = hdu[0].header['ATODGAIN'] norm_factor = float(exptime)/gain print('Normalizing by ', norm_factor) hdu[('sci', 1)].data /= norm_factor hdu[('err', 1)].data /= abs(norm_factor) hdu[0].header['TEXPTIME'] = 1
[docs]def msjoin(imset_list, out_name='joined_out.fits'): """ Replicate msjoin functionality in pure python """ hdu = imset_list[0] ) ext_count = 0 n_offset = (len( hdu[1:] ) // 3) + 1 for dataset in imset_list[1:]: add_hdu = dataset ) for extension in add_hdu[1:]: extension.header['EXTVER'] = (ext_count // 3) + n_offset hdu.append( extension ) ext_count += 1 hdu[0].header['NEXTEND'] = len( hdu ) - 1 hdu.writeto(out_name, output_verify='exception', overwrite=True) if not os.path.exists(out_name): raise IOError('Error in refstis:functions:msjoin() -- output file not written!')
#------------------------------------------------------------------------ def crreject(input_file, workdir=None): if not 'oref' in os.environ: os.environ['oref'] = '/grp/hst/cdbs/oref/' path, name = os.path.split(input_file) name, ext = os.path.splitext(name) trailerfile = os.path.join(path, name+'_crreject_log.txt') output_blev = input_file.replace('.fits','_blev.fits') output_crj = input_file.replace('.fits','_crj.fits') with as hdu: nimset = hdu[0].header['nextend'] / 3 nrptexp = hdu[0].header['nrptexp'] crcorr = hdu[0].header['crcorr'] blevcorr = hdu[0].header['blevcorr'] if (nimset <= 1 and crcorr != "COMPLETE"): print("Sorry, your input image seems to have only 1 imset, but it isn't cr-rejected.") print("This task can only handle 'raw' or 'flt images with the NEXTEND keyword equal to 3*N (N > 1).") print("Bye now... better luck next time!") raise ValueError('nimset <=1 and CRCORR not complete') if (crcorr != "COMPLETE"): if (nrptexp != nimset): pyfits.setval(input_file,'NRPTEXP',value=nimset) pyfits.setval(input_file,'CRSPLIT',value=1) pyfits.setval(input_file, 'CRCORR', value='PERFORM') #pyfits.setval(input_file, 'DQICORR', value='PERFORM') pyfits.setval(input_file, 'APERTURE', value='50CCD') pyfits.setval(input_file, 'APER_FOV', value='50x50') if (blevcorr != 'COMPLETE') : print('Performing BLEVCORR') pyfits.setval(input_file, 'BLEVCORR', value='PERFORM') status = basic2d(input_file, output_blev, outblev='', dqicorr='perform', blevcorr='perform', doppcorr='omit', lorscorr='omit', glincorr='omit', lflgcorr='omit', biascorr='omit', darkcorr='omit', flatcorr='omit', photcorr='omit', statflag=False, verbose=False, trailer=trailerfile) if status != 0: try: print() with open(trailerfile) as tr: for line in tr.readlines(): print(' {}'.format(line.strip())) finally: raise Exception('BASIC2D failed to properly reduce {}'.format(input_file)) else: print('Blevcorr already Performed') shutil.copy(input_file,output_blev) print('Performing OCRREJECT') status = ocrreject(input=output_blev, output=output_crj, verbose=False, trailer=trailerfile) if status != 0: try: print() with open(trailerfile) as tr: for line in tr.readlines(): print(' {}'.format(line.strip())) finally: raise Exception('OCRREJECT failed to properly reduce {}'.format(output_blev)) elif (crcorr == "COMPLETE"): print("CR rejection already done") os.rename(input_file, output_crj) pyfits.setval(output_crj, 'FILENAME', value=output_crj) with as hdu: gain = hdu[0].header['atodgain'] ccdgain = hdu[0].header['ccdgain'] xsize = hdu[1].header['naxis1'] ysize = hdu[1].header['naxis2'] xbin = hdu[0].header['binaxis1'] ybin = hdu[0].header['binaxis2'] try: ncombine = hdu[0].header['ncombine'] except: ncombine = hdu[1].header['ncombine'] print(('Number of combined imsets is '+str(ncombine)+' while number of imsets is '+str(nimset ) )) print(('Dividing cosmic-ray-rejected image by '+str(ncombine)+'...')) out_div = output_crj.replace('.fits','_div.fits') ###this used to be a call to MSARITH, is anything else needed? ###modifying the error too (done), etc? hdu = hdu[('sci', 1)].data /= ncombine hdu[('err', 1)].data /= ncombine hdu.writeto(out_div, output_verify='exception', overwrite=True) os.remove(output_blev) os.remove(output_crj) return out_div #------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def count_imsets(file_list): """Count the total number of imsets in a file list. The total number of imsets is counted by dividing the total number of extensions (NEXTEND) by 3 (SCI, ERR, DQ). Parameters ---------- file_list : list list of all files to be counted Returns ------- total : int number of imsets """ if not isinstance(file_list, list): file_list = [file_list] total = 0 for item in file_list: total += pyfits.getval(item,'NEXTEND',ext=0) / 3 return total
[docs]def get_keyword(file_list,keyword,ext=0): """ return the value from a header keyword over a list of files if the value is not consistent accross the input files, an assertion error will be raised """ kw_set = set([pyfits.getval(item,keyword,ext=ext) for item in file_list]) assert len(kw_set) == 1,' multiple values found for kw: % s'% (keyword) return list(kw_set)[0]
[docs]def get_anneal_month_dates(data_begin, data_end, database_path): ''' This function uses the anneal database to get the dates of the anneal This is written under the assumption that data_begin and data_end fall in the same anneal period data_begin and data_end are the start and end dates of the data and should be in mjd ''' assert data_begin > 50000, 'data_begin should be in mjd' assert data_end > 50000, 'data_end should be in mjd' db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(database_path, 'anneal_info.db')) c = db.cursor() c.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT start, end FROM anneals""") rows = [row for row in c] anneal_start_date = np.array([row[0] for row in rows]) anneal_end_date = np.array([row[1] for row in rows]) start_indx = np.where(data_begin - anneal_end_date > 0) anneal_period_start_indx = start_indx[0][-1] #want to start an anneal month at the end of the anneal end_indx = np.where(anneal_start_date - data_end > 0) anneal_period_end_indx = end_indx[0][0] #want to end an anneal month at the start of the anneal anneal_month_start = Time(anneal_end_date[anneal_period_start_indx], format = 'mjd', scale = 'utc') anneal_month_end = Time(anneal_start_date[anneal_period_end_indx], format = 'mjd', scale = 'utc') assert anneal_period_end_indx - anneal_period_start_indx == 1, \ 'data cannot cross anneals, data date range [%f - %f], anneal month [%f - %f]' %(data_begin, data_end, anneal_month_start.val, anneal_month_end.val) return anneal_month_start, anneal_month_end
[docs]def divide_anneal_month(data_begin, data_end, database_path, N_period): ''' This function divides an anneal month into anneal weeks and returns tuples of the start and end dates of the anneal weeks ''' anneal_month_start, anneal_month_end = get_anneal_month_dates(data_begin, data_end, database_path) total_num_days = anneal_month_end.val - anneal_month_start.val #these are in mjd so you get # of days base_num_days = math.floor(total_num_days / N_period) #For remaining days, add 1 to each week until all days are gone remaining_days = math.floor(total_num_days - base_num_days*N_period) remaining_time = total_num_days - base_num_days*N_period - remaining_days num_days_per_period = np.array([base_num_days for i in range(N_period)]) num_days_per_period[-1] = num_days_per_period[-1] + remaining_time for i, day in enumerate(range(int(remaining_days))): num_days_per_period[i] += 1 anneal_weeks = [] wk_end = anneal_month_start.val for period in num_days_per_period: wk_start = wk_end wk_end = wk_start + period anneal_weeks.append((wk_start, wk_end)) return anneal_weeks
[docs]def figure_number_of_periods(number_of_days, mode) : """ Determines the number of periods ('weeks') that the anneal 'month' should be split into. Takes the number of days in the period and the mode ('WK' or 'BIWK') and returns the total number of periods. Parameters ---------- number_of_days : int total number of days in the 'month' mode : str wk or biwk Returns ------- number_of_periods : int the total number of periods to split the month into """ #print "periods(", number_of_days,", ",mode,") called ..." nm = 'periods' msg = "called w/ (number_of_days="+str(number_of_days) msg += ", mode="+mode+") " # set upper limits for period lengths MIN_DAYS_IN_WK = 6 MAX_DAYS_IN_WK = 9 MIN_DAYS_IN_BIWK = 11 MAX_DAYS_IN_BIWK = 22 DELTA_WK = 9 DELTA_BIWK = 18 PERIOD_NUMBER_START = 1 # Boundary condition catcher number_of_periods = -1 # WK mode if mode == "WK": for n in range(2, number_of_days) : if number_of_days < 12 : if (number_of_days > MAX_DAYS_IN_WK or number_of_days < MIN_DAYS_IN_WK) : # raises an ERROR number_of_periods = -1 break else : number_of_periods = PERIOD_NUMBER_START break elif number_of_days <= DELTA_WK * n : number_of_periods = PERIOD_NUMBER_START + ( n - 1 ) # For easier comparison to if number_of_days > 72 : msg = "length of anneal month = " +str(number_of_days)+ "; For real? " # Do we really need to set this to 0? What's wrong with a bigger number? msg = "I give it "+str(number_of_periods)+" (WKs). " msg += "Is this bad? " msg += "Code would usually give such a large difference " msg += "number_of_periods = 0, but why? " break # BIWK mode elif mode == 'BIWK': for n in range(2, number_of_days) : if number_of_days < MAX_DAYS_IN_BIWK : # raises an ERROR if < MIN_DAYS_IN_BIWK1 if number_of_days < MIN_DAYS_IN_BIWK : number_of_periods = -1 else : number_of_periods = PERIOD_NUMBER_START break elif number_of_days <= DELTA_BIWK * n : number_of_periods = PERIOD_NUMBER_START + ( n - 1 ) # For easier comparison to if number_of_days > 72 : msg = "length of anneal month = " +str(number_of_days)+ "; For real? " print(("E", msg, nm)) # Do we really need to set this to 0? What's wrong with a bigger number? msg = "I give it "+str(number_of_periods)+" (BIWKs). " msg += "Is this bad? " msg += "Code would usually give such a large difference " msg += "number_of_periods = 0, but why? " print(("W", msg, nm)) break else: sys.exit('what mode did you put in?') # return value #print "return number_of_periods =", number_of_periods return number_of_periods
[docs]def figure_days_in_period(N_periods, N_days, add_remainder=False): """Spreads out the extra days among the periods. Notes ----- Extra days will be added to the periods beginning with the first, until there are no more, so the lengths may not be perfectly even but will not differ by more than a day. Parameters ---------- N_periods : int total number of periods to be split into N_days : float, int total number of days to be divided Returns ------- periods : list list of days/period: e.g. [8,8,8,7] Examples -------- >>> figure_days_in_period(4, 28) [7, 7, 7, 7] >>> figure_days_in_period(4, 29) [8, 7, 7, 7] >>> figure_days_in_period(3, 21) [7, 7, 7] """ remainder = N_days - int(N_days) N_days = int(N_days) base_length = N_days // N_periods N_extra_days = N_days - N_periods * base_length period_lengths = [base_length for item in range(N_periods)] for i in range(N_extra_days): index = i % N_periods period_lengths[index] += 1 assert (sum(period_lengths)) == N_days, 'ERROR: extra days not spread around correctly' if add_remainder: #period_lenghts[-1] += remainder period_lengths[-1] += remainder return period_lengths
#------------------------------------------------------------------------ def translate_date_string(input_string): month_dict = {'Jan': 1, 'Feb': 2, 'Mar': 3, 'Apr': 4, 'May': 5, 'Jun': 6, 'Jul': 7, 'Aug': 8, 'Sep': 9, 'Oct': 10, 'Nov': 11, 'Dec': 12} date_list = input_string.split() time_list = date_list[3].split(':') month = month_dict[date_list[0]] day = int(date_list[1]) year = int(date_list[2]) hour = int(time_list[0]) minute = int(time_list[1]) second = int(time_list[2]) #if time_list[3].endswith('PM'): # hour += 12 a = (14-month)/12 y = year + 4800 - a m = month + 12*a - 3 JDN = day + (153 * m + 2)//5 + 365*y + y//4 - y//100 + y//400 - 32045 JD = JDN + (hour - 12)/24.0 + minute/1440.0 + second/86400.0 MJD = JD - 2400000.5 return MJD #------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def bd_crreject(joinedfile): """ Check if cosmic-ray rejection has been performed on input file if cosmic-ray rejection has already been done on the input bias image, skip all calstis-related calibration steps """ print(joinedfile) fd = nimset = fd[0].header['nextend'] / 3 nrptexp = fd[0].header['nrptexp'] crcorr = fd[0].header['crcorr'] crdone = 0 if (crcorr == "COMPLETE") : crdone = 1 print('OK, CR rejection already done') os.rename(joinedfile, joinedfile.replace('_joined', '_crj') ) else: print(('crcorr found = ' + crcorr)) if (nimset <= 1 and not crdone): print("Sorry, your input image seems to have only 1 imset, but it isn't cr-rejected.") print("This task can only handle 'raw' or 'flt images with the NEXTEND keyword equal to 3*N (N > 1).") print("Bye now... better luck next time!") raise ValueError( 'Something bad happened' ) if not crdone: print('FYI: CR rejection not already done') print(('Keyword NRPTEXP = ' + str(nrptexp) + ' while nr. of imsets = ' + str(nimset))) if (nrptexp != nimset): pyfits.setval( joinedfile,'NRPTEXP',value=nimset) pyfits.setval( joinedfile,'CRSPLIT',value=1) print(('>>>> Updated keyword NRPTEXP to '+str(nimset) )) print(' (and set keyword CRSPLIT to 1)' ) print((' in ' + joinedfile )) return crdone
[docs]def bd_calstis(joinedfile, thebiasfile=None): """ Run CalSTIS on the joined file Header keywords will be set for ocrreject to work correctly and not flag regions outside the original aperture: APERTURE --> 50CCD APER_FOV --> '50x50' DARKCORR --> 'OMIT' FLATCORR --> 'OMIT' Parameters ---------- joinedfile : str join of multiple input darks thebiasfile : str, bool the biasfile to be subtracted by basic2d """ with, 'update') as hdu: hdu[0].header['CRCORR'] = 'PERFORM' hdu[0].header['APERTURE'] = '50CCD' hdu[0].header['APER_FOV'] = '50x50' hdu[0].header['DARKCORR'] = 'OMIT' hdu[0].header['FLATCORR'] = 'OMIT' if thebiasfile: hdu[0].header['BIASFILE'] = thebiasfile crj_file = joinedfile.replace('.fits', '_crj.fits') path, name = os.path.split(joinedfile) name, ext = os.path.splitext(name) trailerfile = os.path.join(path, name+'_bd_calstis_log.txt') if os.path.exists(crj_file): print('Deleting old file: %s' % crj_file) os.remove(crj_file) if os.path.exists(trailerfile): print('Deleting old file: %s' % trailerfile) os.remove(trailerfile) print('Running CalSTIS on %s' % joinedfile) print('to create: %s' % crj_file) status = calstis(joinedfile, wavecal="", outroot="", savetmp=False, verbose=False, trailer=trailerfile) if status != 0: try: print() with open(trailerfile) as tr: for line in tr.readlines(): print(' {}'.format(line.strip())) finally: raise Exception('CalSTIS failed to properly reduce {}'.format(joinedfile)) pyfits.setval(crj_file, 'FILENAME', value=os.path.split(crj_file)[1])
[docs]def RemoveIfThere(item): """Remove a file only if it already exists Parameters ---------- item : str file to be removed Examples -------- >>> RemoveIfThere('/path/to/file.txt') """ if os.path.exists(item): os.remove(item)
[docs]def refaver(reffiles, combined_name): """Average two reference files together using itools msarith. Parameters ---------- reffiles : list List of reference files to be averaged together combined_name : str Output name of the combined file """ from .msarith import msarith print('#-----------------------#') print('combining datasets') print(reffiles) print('into') print(combined_name) print('#-----------------------#') all_paths = {os.path.split(item)[0] for item in reffiles} assert len(all_paths) == 1, "More than one path found" initial_dir = os.getcwd() if list(all_paths)[0] != '': os.chdir(list(all_paths)[0]) all_subfiles = [] for subfile in reffiles: subfile = os.path.split(subfile)[-1] outfile = subfile.replace('.fits', '_aver.fits') print("Running (itools) msarith / 2 on {}".format(subfile)) msarith(subfile, '/', 2, outfile, verbose=True) all_subfiles.append(outfile) assert len(all_subfiles) == 2, 'Length of subfiles doesnt equal 2: {}'.format(all_subfiles) if not combined_name.endswith('.fits'): combined_name = combined_name + '.fits' #-- remove path from output name combined_name = os.path.split(combined_name)[-1] msarith(all_subfiles[0], '+', all_subfiles[1], combined_name, verbose=True) for filename in all_subfiles: os.remove(filename) #-- move back to beginning location os.chdir(initial_dir)
[docs]def apply_dark_correction(filename, expstart): """Perform temperature scaling to input dark file All science extensions in the input filename will be scaled to the reference temperatue of 18.0 c. Parameters ---------- filename : str full path to input FITS file expstart : str start time in MJD of the dataset """ dark_v_temp = 0.07 s2ref_temp = 18.0 with, mode = 'update') as ofile: if 'tempcorr' not in ofile[0].header: nextend = ofile[0].header['nextend'] for ext in np.arange(1, nextend, 3): occdhtav = ofile[ext].header['OCCDHTAV'] factor = 1.0 / (1.0 + dark_v_temp * (float(occdhtav) - s2ref_temp)) ofile[ext].data = ofile[ext].data * factor print('{}, ext {}: Scaling data by '.format(filename, ext), factor, ' for temperature: ', occdhtav) ofile[ext+1].data = np.sqrt((ofile[ext+1].data)**2 * (factor**2)) #Modify the error array ofile[ext].header.add_history('File scaled for Side-2 temperature uncertainty by data * (1.0 + %f * (%f - %f)) following description is STIS TIR 2004-01' %(dark_v_temp, occdhtav, s2ref_temp)) ofile[0].header['tempcorr'] = 'COMPLETE' else: print('TEMPCORR = %s, no temperature correction applied to %s' %(ofile[0].header['tempcorr'], filename))
[docs]def bias_subtract_data(filename, biasfile): """Perform bias subtraction on input dataset basic2d from calstis will be run on the input dataset with the steps DQICORR, BLEVCORR, and BIASCORR set to perform. Parameters ---------- filename : str full path to input FITS file biasfile : str full path to the bias FITS file to be subtracted Returns ------- filename : str full_path to the bias subtracted file """ with as hdu: if (hdu[0].header['BLEVCORR'] == 'COMPLETE') or (hdu[0].header['BIASCORR'] == 'COMPLETE'): print("BIAS correction already done for {}".format(filename)) return filename if os.path.exists(filename.replace('raw', 'flc')): os.remove(filename.replace('raw', 'flc')) elif os.path.exists(filename.replace('raw', 'flt')): os.remove(filename.replace('raw', 'flt')) path, name = os.path.split(filename) name, ext = os.path.splitext(name) trailerfile = os.path.join(path, name + '_bias_subtract_log.txt') biasfile = make_path_safe(biasfile) pyfits.setval(filename, 'BIASFILE', ext=0, value=biasfile, comment='') status = basic2d(filename, dqicorr='perform', blevcorr='perform', biascorr='perform', doppcorr='omit', lorscorr='omit', glincorr='omit', lflgcorr='omit', darkcorr='omit', flatcorr='omit', photcorr='omit', verbose=False, trailer=trailerfile) if status != 0: try: print() with open(trailerfile) as tr: for line in tr.readlines(): print(' {}'.format(line.strip())) finally: raise Exception('BASIC2D failed to properly reduce {}'.format(filename)) filename = filename.replace('raw', 'flt') return filename
[docs]def make_path_safe(filename): """Make a full path to file safe for use in FITS headers. For full paths that are less than 67 characters, the filename is simply returned. When the full path is equal to or greater than 67, then the path is inserted into the environment as 'refdir' and the filename is returned as 'refdir$filename'. This will prevent the filename from being split accross multiple FITS keywords, and is a convention understood by many tasks/pipelines. Parameters ---------- filename : str Full path + name to the file. Returns ------- filename : str Safe filename that can fit in a single FITS keyword. Examples -------- >>> make_path_safe('/short/path/reference_file.fits') /short/path/reference_file.fits >>> make_path_safe('/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/reference_file.fits') refdir$reference_file.fits """ if len(filename) < 67: return filename path, filename = os.path.split(filename) #-- Calstis wants the '/' at the end if not path.endswith('/'): path += '/' os.environ['refdir'] = path filename = 'refdir$'+filename return filename